Friday, July 29, 2011

OUCH!! Updated: Weekend Box Office - SMURFS may be #1!? - Est. $36mil wknd/ COWBOYS & ALIENS underperforms - $36mil est. wknd/ CRAZY STUPID LOVE est. $19mil wknd

The little blue guys could upset this weekend...

"Cowboys & Aliens?  BAH!  So unrealistic!"

SMURFS did great for a possible $36mil.+ weekend for #1.  TOO close to call!  That's super news for the blue man group but...

We have a dud!

"These Nintendo Power Gloves suck without a Nintendo OR electricity"

With such an outrageous premise, lesser known source material, mixed reviews, strong holdover competition and summer special effects fatigue setting in, it was almost certain that COWBOYS & ALIENS was gonna disappoint.  And in that respect, it didn't.

COWBOYS & ALIENS has a strong cast and director attached to it but let's face it - a western mixed with an alien invasion?  Tough sell.  According to Deadline Hollywood the est $200mil. film (without advertising costs etc!) is gonna tank with a $36mil. opening weekend OR LESS.  If you use the common 3.0 multiplier it's best hope is an $120mil. North American FINAL gross.  Ouch.

CRAZY STUPID LOVE opened a little weaker than I would have thought considering its cast and lack of adult comedies out there.  It's looking like a $19mil. est. weekend.

And predictably CAPTAIN AMERICA fell 68% from its opening day a week ago but should recover fine over the weekend for a $25mil. weekend.

More info as it comes in!

(thanks to Deadline Hollywood for the early numbers!)


Cowboys & Aliens?


Friday, July 22, 2011

Sunday Update: WEEKEND BOX OFFICE: CAPTAIN AMERICA #1 with $65mil+. HARRY POTTER - down 71%(!!). FRIENDS WITH BENEFITS $18mil

Yeah, I have no nose too but I'm way tougher than "He Who Must Not Be Named"!!

It looks like a win for CAPTAIN AMERICA as it looks to be #1 this weekend with $65mil opening weekend according to Deadline Hollywood.  That would be way higher than other superhero openings this year (GREEN HORNET, X-MEN FIRST CLASS and GREEN LANTERN) but basically tied to THOR's $65.7mil opening.

Strong reviews, a more recognizable superhero and a high awareness factor will give this the win over second place HARRY POTTER AND THE DEATHLY HALLOWS PART 2.  The boy wizard fell a harsh 71% from last weekend but still...For the weekend the last POTTER will end up with about $50mil which is still higher than most films 1ST weekends.

The Timerlake-Kunis rom-com, or the NO STRINGS ATTACHED remake as I see it, will open with an OK $18mil which isn't too bad except the aforementioned STRINGS made $20mil on its opening in the middle of winter!


CAPTAIN AMERICA: Always thinking about the women!


Sunday, July 17, 2011

WEEKEND BOX OFFICE: HARRY POTTER DEATHLY HALLOWS PART 2 breaks opening weekend record with $168mil!!

"Take THAT Dark Knight!!"

Well, it was bound to happen.

Just like SPIDER-MAN 3 and DEAD MAN'S CHEST before it, THE DARK KNIGHT's weekend record of $158mil falls to the new king HARRY POTTER according to Deadline Hollywood.

HARRY POTTER AND THE DEATHLY HALLOWS PART 2 easily won the weekend and the opening weekend crown with an estimated gross of $168mil.  Amazing number consider it's the EIGHTH movie of a series but let's face it, these fans are dedicated.  But there's the 3D surcharge (on many screens) that would boost the gross as well so DARK KNIGHT may actually still hold the record for most tickets sold in a weekend.

THE DARK KNIGHT will get his revenge though;  I expect next year's DARK KNIGHT RISES to take the opening weekend crown back as it too is the conclusion of that series.

The rest:

2.  TRANSFORMERS 3D           $24mil wkd/$305mil total
3.  HORRIBLE BOSSES            $18mil wkd/$  60mil total (down 39% from last week's opening weekend)
4.  ZOOKEEPER                        $13mil wkd/$  43mil total (down 38% from last week's opening weekend)
5.  CARS 2                                  $ 8mil wkd/$ 165mil total
6.  WINNIE THE POOH              $ 8mil wkd/$     8mil total


Deer shir: You combic iz stooopid


Saturday, July 16, 2011

Updated - HOLY CRAPS! HARRY POTTER DEATHLY HALLOWS PART 2 shatters one-day record!! $92mil!!

"Will you look at the line-ups for us!!"

I don't think even Warner Bros. expected this.

According to Deadline Hollywood the first day of HARRY POTTER AND THE DEATHLY HALLOWS PART 2 has grossed an unheard of $92mil(!!).  That shatters the old record of $73mil made by 2010's TWILIGHT: ECLIPSE.

To put this in perspective, the #1 opening weekend of 2011 was TRANSFORMERS 3D with $97mil.  And that took THREE days.

What will the weekend bring?  If it's really front-loaded it could still be close to $180-200mil weekend (the record is $158mil for THE DARK KNIGHT).  We'll have to see Saturday's numbers first.

Oh yeah, the rest didn't really matter on Friday but here goes:

2. Transformers 3D  $6.8mil Fri/$21mil wkd. 
3. Horrible Bosses    $5.0mil Fri/$15mil wkd. (down 49% from last Fri)
4. Zookeeper             $3.6mil Fri/$11mil wkd. (down 51% from last Fri)
5. Cars 2                   $2.7mil Fri/$8.5mil wkd.
6. Winnie the Pooh   $2.0mil Fri/$7.0mil wkd.


Water, water, everywhere!


Friday, July 15, 2011

EARLY EARLY BOX OFFICE: HARRY POTTER $43mil in midnight shows alone! En route to new weekend record?

The first part was kinda was accused of dragon on too long.

HARRY POTTER 7 PART 2 whooped the old $30mil midnight showing record held by TWILIGHT: ECLIPSE handily with a $43mil gross according to Deadline Hollywood.

Impressive numbers showing that "It All Ends" works brilliantly as a campaign.  The true test will be to see if the number holds up over the weekend or if the film's really front-loaded.

With the 3-D surcharge and the lack of other new competing genre films I see the DARK KNIGHT record of $158mil for opening weekend falling too.

More to come!


Harry Potter and the X Factor


Thursday, July 14, 2011

EARLY BOX OFFICE: HARRY POTTER: Tonight's advances at $13mil so far! Plus more records set.

Badass Wizards!

According to Deadline Hollywood advanced sales for Harry Potter 7 Part 2 already are at $13mil with theatres still adding showings to feed the demand.

Harry Potter movies have scored really well with advanced shows ($24mil for Hallows Part 1 and $22mil for Half-Blood Prince) but this one should be the highest as it's the "grand finale" and targeting even non-fans to see how "It All Ends".

Twilight: Eclipse has the record at $30mil for midnight shows but this movie should break that with the demand and the 3D surcharge to boot.

So far Potter 7 part 2 has the series records for most theatres(4375), most screens (11,000), most IMAX playdates (274), most 3D theatres (3000) and most 3D screens (4250).  Phew!

More stats to follow as they come in!


Yum yum!!


Saturday, July 02, 2011

Friday/Saturday Box Office:TRANSFORMERS makes $ 33mil. more/CARS 2 down 70%/LARRY CROWNE a flop!

Just as loud and obnoxious in Spanish!

     On Friday TRANSFORMERS 3 pulled in an estimated $33mil. to bring it's 3 (or including Tuesday's advance shows is that 4?) day total to about $ 98mil according to Deadline Hollywood.

     After 3 days (plus advanced screenings) for the previous movies:

TRANSFORMERS (2007)            $   84 mil.
TRANSFORMERS 2 (2009)         $ 128 mil.

    And for this year, here are the top 3-day totals (incl. advanced shows):

HANGOVER PART II                    $ 91 mil.
PIRATES 4                                   $ 90 mil.
FAST FIVE                                    $ 86 mil.

NEXT:     Cars 3:  Across the Universe

CARS 2 fell 70% from last Friday.  It should end up with a $23mil weekend down from its $69mil. first weekend.  The Disney/PIXAR feature should be safe for a bit up until HARRY POTTER opens on July 15th.

And poor Tom Hanks and Julia Roberts.  As reported yesterday their film LARRY CROWNE is a flop as it looks at a $13mil. 3-day weekend.  Ouch.


Reminds me of that classic Monty Python song...

This song!


Friday, July 01, 2011

LARRY CROWNE a box office dud with est. $15mil. 4-day weekend!!

Tom Hanks tries to explain how LARRY CROWNE will make money against the robots...

Big news out of Hollywood!  According to Deadline Hollywood Julia Roberts and Tom Hanks, two of the most bankable stars in the world, could not open their new movie to big grosses.

LARRY CROWNE didn't get the audience the studio hoped were skipping the loud and action-filled TRANSFORMERS.  It'll open today with about $5mil.  At least the cost of the film is $30mil. (plus advertising costs).  I'm guessing the movie looked too "plain" for the summer season with no great hook (other than the two actors).

More to come...



Hey!  I think I saw this shot in ALIEN!  

     According to Deadline Hollywood  TRANSFORMERS 3 grossed about $21.4mil. more on Thursday.  Adding to its Tuesday gross of $5.5mil (10pm advanced shows) and  the #1 single-day gross of 2011 so far on Wednesday of $37.5 it gives TRANSFORMERS 3 a Tuesday-Thursday total of about $64mil.  I still think $200mil in 7 days is gonna be tough to get to as the film is really front-loaded.

     More to come...

Just plain nuts
